Dea & Awak


 Lagi sekali , dea ingat awk . Air mata dea kuar awk , byk sgt .Dea ckp dea dah tak tahan , buad-II senyum dpn 0rg laen . Dea rndu nak tgk awk , dea stalk awk tadi , dea tanye , nape awk jd cm ni ? Nape x happy same mcm bla awk dgn dea dulu ? Dea ckp awk sedih , dea p0m sdh . Kal0 b0le dea nak sedih tu bia dea je yg tnggung . Awak , kesian la dea , dea snggup buad ape je sbb awk , Awak xnmpak ke dea syg awk ?Takpe , kate dea ,Dea xkesa , aslkan awk bahagia dea dah 0ke , xpi ..awk xbahagia p0m kan . Awak , dea tnye y w0uld us end like this way ? Tak b0le ke buad mcm bese , mcm bef0re ni ? Awak text dea p0m kek0k kan ?Dea baca 0ld entry tadi , yg dea buad untk awk . Awk taw kan yg mane ? Dea ckp mase tu tahap syg dea dkt awk dah tahap gile . Sy p0m tak paham y dea syg awk sgt , even u r n0pe her type at all..ja0h sekali dgn her type .Sy tak tipu , she is ch0osy 0ne . Awk ?benar , susah untk dea sktkan awk . Dea x sanggup . Dea ckp dea xrela ,xpernah rela awk dgn that pers0n . Dah la dea tak appricet awk kan ?Dea sllu tnggu meseh dri awk , ringtone tu xde sape lagy yg dea replace .Untuk awk je lha .
Dea ade pesan dkt awk -
 Be t0ugh , be str0ng sayang . I kn0w y0u well, d0 u remmber when ? u sh0w me all ur ex meseh ,when she want u back? than u t0ld me , 0nce they d0 this t0 y0u, u w0nt accept them anym0re . So , this pers0n t0tally same with them right ?Do the same thing t0 her .U are b0y,big b0y . i w0nt see u cry cz that girl, please d0nt !All the things that u said , well u seem t0 f0rget right ?They surround , in my head ,every night !i hate it when i cant fall asleep when im Thinking about it .S0 en0ugh , im giving y0u up cause theres n0 light here left t0 shine , we f0und l0ve in h0peless place .I will n0pe run after u anym0re ,cause waiting f0r y0u is like waiting f0r the rain in dr0ught place. Let 0ur st0ry just bec0me  a secret between me and y0u .i will lives as usual , and i will n0pe turn back anym0re .Go0dbye awk . !

*with0ut bee h0ney is n0thng .s0,lets them be apart .

suddah habis mmbaca?suka?like je :D

0 p0st0 .p0st0 .:

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